GCEL - Greene Consulting Engineers Ltd
GCEL stands for Greene Consulting Engineers Ltd
Here you will find, what does GCEL stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Greene Consulting Engineers Ltd? Greene Consulting Engineers Ltd can be abbreviated as GCEL What does GCEL stand for? GCEL stands for Greene Consulting Engineers Ltd. What does Greene Consulting Engineers Ltd mean?The civil engineering business firm is located in Verwoerdburg, Gauteng, South Africa.
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Alternative definitions of GCEL
- Georgia Compensatory Education Leaders
- Gateway Casinos and Entertainment Limited
- Green Coast Enterprises LLC
- Global Coalition for Efficient Logistics
- Gravity Consulting Engineers Ltd
- Green Country Equipment LLC
- Golden Crops Enterprises Ltd.
View 10 other definitions of GCEL on the main acronym page
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- GPP Green Planet Productions
- GMH Glia Mental Health
- GEA The Green Earth Appeal
- GCLML GC Landscape Management Ltd
- GGEL Grand Gulf Energy Ltd
- GDH Grand Dijon Habitat
- GCCP Green Circle Capital Partners
- GH The Golden Hotel
- GFDVC Guangdong Food and Drug Vocational College
- GRA Global Retail Advantage
- GCM German Club Manila
- GGL Go Global Logistics
- GGG Gerber Goldschmidt Group